Saturday 9 February 2013

Centennial Parklands Awarded During 125th Anniversary

Centennial Parklands

Sydney’s Centennial Parklands celebrates its 125th Anniversary this year and has been recognised as one of the world’s leading public parklands, winning a prestigious Green Flag Award, the first time it has been awarded in Australia and New Zealand. The Green Flag awards recognise the environmentally sustainable management of quality public parks and green spaces.

Environment Minister Robyn Parker said “By winning this prestigious award the Centennial Parklands has further enhanced its reputation as one of the finest public parklands in the world.”

“The Green Flag Award is an international award which assesses the quality of parks across a number of categories, including their safety, quality of the facilities, management of the environment and historical features - and as great recreational places for people to enjoy.

“This is good news for not only the people of Sydney but for communities everywhere. It is something we can all be proud of,” Ms Parker said.

Kim Ellis, Director and Chief Executive of Centennial Parklands, said the award comes at a time when there was much community joy and acclaim for the 125th Anniversary celebrations.

“The award once again reinforces what has been acknowledged for many years – these Parklands are indeed amongst the top public parklands in the world,” Mr Ellis said.

Centennial Parklands
2013 marks the 125th anniversary of Centennial Parklands and to celebrate the milestone, a number of commemorative events are scheduled throughout the year. For more information visit

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