Friday 8 February 2013

Upper Hunter Regional Show 2013

The Crack Up Sisters

This year’s annual Upper Hunter Regional Show is not too far away. It will be held on 15th & 16th March 2013.

The feature attractions at this years Show are the 2 Monster Trucks and a Jet Quad doing shows each night. One of the Monster trucks will be the Tassie Devil, which will link in with the Show having the Devil Ark crew to promote their profile with the Tassie Devils in the Barringtons.

The Crackup Sisters will be doing their shows throughout the weekend at the Upper Hunter Regional Show. They are skilled slapstick comedians who well and truly know how to crack a stock whip. Our family saw them in action as part of the rodeo at the Eurobodalla Show in January this year at Moruya and know that they will be a big drawcard at the Upper Hunter Regional Show.

The Pavilion Exhibits and Competitions are always popular at the Show. If you would like to participate in these, entry forms and schedules are available from the Muswellbrook Visitor Centre, John Flood Real Estate, or Edward Higgens Parkinson First National. Please remember that entry forms must be lodged with the Show Committee at least two weeks before the Show.

Bengalla Mining Company have once again proved to be a valuable partner to bring a wonderful event to local residents and visitors from other regions of Australia.

Tassie Devil Monster Truck
So put aside some time over March 15th and 16th to come and check out the show - and don't forget the Demolition Derby on Saturday!

More information on the Upper Hunter Show is available on the website:

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