Saturday 19 August 2023

Ha Noi: Beekeeping model for experiential tourism in Son Tay Town

Mr. Nguyen Xuan Quyen introducing honey
 production process (Photo:
In the middle of a sunny summer day, the delegation visited Mr. Nguyen Xuan Quyen's house at 46, Long Ho village, Kim Son commune, Son Tay town, Ha Noi. The small house is located in the middle of a mature garden with crawling trees to ease the summer heat.

Mr. Quyen served his guests with cups of cool, kumquat-flavoured, honey-sweet water. The drink is delicious, nutritious and homemade. Honey mixed with kumquat helps to reduce heat, is beneficial for health, and has a yummy taste that can fit as a summer beverage.

Taking visitors to the longan garden, Mr. Quyen introduced the honey beekeeping boxes placed under the trees. Earlier, the family let the trees to bloom flowers and bear fruit naturally. Realising the benefits of beekeeping both for pollination and for honey, Mr. Quyen decided to try beekeeping for honey. Through training courses organised by town and city and learning from previous successful beekeepers, he boldly invested in beekeeping in combination with fruit trees.

The family's garden is located near Rung Pheo hill, Rung Cao hill with many trees that bear fruit all year round, creating a favourable environment for honey bees to develop. From more than a dozen initial boxes, the facility has developed more than 250 flocks, which is one of the largest beekeeping households in Kim Son commune. Not only developing the household economy but also developing tourism, Mr. Quyen registered with the authority for activities to visit the beekeeping model and participate in the experience of honey processing processes.

At Xuan Quyen beekeeping facility, visitors will be able to practise spinning bees, extracting honey, taking photos of the experience, and buying products that they have made by themselves as gifts for relatives and friends. Natural honey here has a strong aroma, sweet taste, and golden colour. On the surface of ordinary honey bottles, there is a layer of honey comb. With trustworthy products, visitors often order directly at the establishment, so the amount of honey produced is consumed fully.

Mr. Vu Huy Nam, Secretary of the Party Committee of Kim Son Commune said, the model of beekeeping for honey as an experience tourism has been approved by Son Tay town and launched since 2018. The product has been granted a 4-star OCOP collective mark by the National Office of Intellectual Property (under Ministry of Science and Technology). Mr. Nguyen Xuan Quyen's beekeeping household is one of 14 tourist attractions in Long Ho village, contributing to enriching local tourist attractions.

Combining household economic development with tourism and service activities is a new direction in Kim Son commune. Through Mr. Quyen's model of beekeeping households, it can be seen that people, when benefiting from tourism and service activities, will voluntarily participate effectively. It is also a way to ensure a stable income for households, and at the same time promote tourism activities of Son Tay town to develop sustainably. Each model with diverse, attractive products and effective service contributes to satisfying visitors when coming to town.

*Tourism Information Technology Center
Tags: #model, #beekeeping, #Son Tay, #Ha Noi, #experience tourism, #experiential tourism,

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