This special event will commemorate the centenary of the first entry of the Royal Australian Navy Fleet into Sydney Harbour. On that day, the flagship HMAS Australia led the new Australian fleet of seven cruisers and destroyers into the harbour for the first time.
A century later, the program for the IFR on Sydney Harbour will include a tall ships parade, warships arrival, ceremonial fleet review, naval gun salutes, aerial flypasts, a spectacular fireworks display and light show and open days for pre-purchased ticket holders on many of the ships.
RAN and visiting warships will rendezvous in Jervis Bay, NSW from 29 September to 3 October 2013 to conduct final preparations and briefings before sailing to Sydney.
There will be much to see and enjoy on and around Sydney Harbour, especially during the busiest days of the IFR program from Thursday 3 October to Monday 7 October.
In order to provide the safest possible environment for participants and spectators alike, Special Event conditions and navigation restrictions will apply during the major activities, including exclusion zones, speed, wash and anchoring restrictions.
Detailed information and maps are available using the buttons on the right for recreational boaters and families planning to go afloat on Sydney Harbour to see the International Fleet Review, or to head out on Jervis Bay to view the warships before they sail to Sydney.
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