Tuesday 8 August 2023

Birdwatching in Papua New Guinea

Birdwatching in Papua New Guinea The avifauna of PNG includes 897 species of which 103 are endemic. 

Papua New Guinea, in the southwestern Pacific, takes in half of New Guinea and its offshore islands. 

It is a country of great cultural and biological diversity, known for its beaches and coral reefs. Inland there are active volcanoes, granite Mt. Wilhelm, dense rainforest and hiking routes like the Kokoda Trail. 

Papua New Guinea has a number of traditional tribal villages, many with their own languages. 

A highlight for ornithologists visiting Papua New Guinea are its Birds of Paradise, widely regarded as the world’s most beautiful birds. 

Papua New Guinea’s birdlife also includes the Hooded Pitohui, the world’s only poisonous bird, and the Cassowary that stands 6ft tall. 

Dedicated ornithologist’s will also look for other rare breeds such as the Fire-Maned Bowerbird and the Crested Berrypecker along with owlet-nightjars and the black-naped pheasant-pigeon. 

There is no set season for birdwatching in Papua New Guinea, although the dry season from June to October is recommended to achieve the optimum experiences. 

Wildlife Resorts throughout the country provide a base, with accommodation, good food and local guides. 

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