Sunday 6 August 2023

Andy Warhol Three Times Out, Hugh Lane Gallery, Dublin

6 October 2023 to 28 January 2024 

An exhibition of Andy Warhol’s paintings, prints, photographs, films and installations will showcase the artist’s range of artworks produced over four decades. 

Andy Warhol Three Times Out has been five years in the making and includes more than 250 works on loan from museums and private collections in the USA, Canada, Europe and the Warhol Museum in Pittsburgh. 

Warhol’s work selected for the exhibition include the iconic Campbell's Soup Cans; Flowers; Marilyn Monroe; Elizabeth Taylor; Jackie Kennedy and Chairman Mao. 

There are also his observations on identity and mortality in his multiple self-portraits, skulls, electric chairs and avant-garde films Empire, Sleep, Kiss and Outer and Inner Space. Visitors to the exhibition will also see Warhol's immersive Silver Clouds sculpture. 

Andy Warhol is one of the most important and recognisable artists of the 20th-century, devising new ways of image making, experimenting with multiple images silkscreened on canvas, printing, photography, film, publishing, advertising, performance, video and television. 

 Tracy Jones at

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