Tuesday 3 June 2014

'Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back' Voted Greatest Movie of All Time

Empire Magazine has polled over 250,000 obsessive movie fans to come up with the 301 greatest movies ever made.

It is interesting that all the top 20 movies in this poll are action based or science fiction. There are no comedies or other types of movies in the list. Perhaps this list says more about the readers of Empire Magazine than about the greatest movies ever made.

The list of greatest movies is led by the 1980 classic Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back. This same poll was conducted back in 2008, which, at the time, found The Godfather taking top honors. It has now slipped into second place.

Here is a list of the top 20 movies to make the list in 2015.
1. The Empire Strikes Back
2. The Godfather
3. The Dark Knight
4. The Shawshank Redemption
5. Pulp Fiction
6. Star Wars
7. Fellowship of the Ring
8. Jaws
9. Raiders of the Lost Ark
10. Inception
11. Blade Runner
12. The Return of The King
13. Goodfellas
14. Fight Club
15. The Godfather: Part II
16. Marvel's The Avengers
17. Back to The Future
18. Jurassic Park
19. Aliens
20. Apocalypse Now

Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back was released May 21st, 1980 and stars Mark Hamill, Harrison Ford, Carrie Fisher, Billy Dee Williams, Anthony Daniels, David Prowse, Peter Mayhew, Kenny Baker. The film is directed by Irvin Kershner.

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