Monday 29 July 2024

Nine new destinations in Yangon designated to boost tourism

Pilakat Hindu Temple and Hon Lim Chin Tsong’s OBE
palace are included in nine new destinations of Yangon
Domestic travellers and tourists have been visiting destinations in Yangon throughout the year, and new destinations are added, according to U Nanda Aung, Director of the Directorate of Hotels and Tourism (Yangon Region). Domestic travellers and overseas tourists visit 28 destinations in Yangon Region and the newly designated nine destinations throughout the year, and the monthly festivals, night markets, and shopping malls keep contributing to increasing tourist arrivals.

“In Yangon Region, a total of 28 destinations have been designated, such as pagodas, parks, and museums that are allowed domestic and foreign tourists to visit. In the upcoming travel season, we arranged nine destinations as expansions, such as Yangon University, Hon. Lim Chin Tsong’s OBE palace, and Pilakat Hindu Temple.“Since we have yet to designate extended destinations., those new destinations are crowded with travellers. The old designated destinations are also crowded with domestic and foreign tourists. Events such as market festivals are also held to commemorate the Kayin New Year, Independence Day, Union Day, etc. Night markets like those on 19th street and shopping centres are always bustling with people every night,” U Nanda said.

The 28 old destinations in Yangon Region include Shwedagon Pagoda, Sule Pagoda, Tooth Relic Pagoda, Thiri Mingala Kaba Aye Pagoda, Kyaikkhauk Pagoda (Thanlyin), Botahtaung Pagoda, Datdaw Mwedaw Kanku Pagoda, Meilamu Pagoda, Maha Satkya Atulamanaung Ngahtatgyi Pagoda, Chaukhtatgyi Reclining Buddha Image, Koehtatkyee Pagoda, Kamakura Buddha Statue (Japan Pagoda), Kyauktanyele Pagoda, National Museum, Bogyoke Aung San Museum and Inya Lake.

The Ministry of Hotels and Tourism, the Yangon Region Government, the Myanmar Tourism Federation, the Myanmar Hoteliers Association (Yangon Zone) and relevant associations and officials are cooperating to promote the development of Yangon Region’s hotels and tourism industry. — ASH/TKO

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