Thursday 1 August 2013

2013 Australian Outback Marathon Attracts Record Numbers & Global Runners

Ayers Rock Resort played host to the 4th Australian Outback Marathon on Saturday, 27 July 2013. Set amongst one of the most iconic backdrops in the world, a record number of entrants from over 25 countries pounded the red dust with spectacular views of Uluru and Kata Tjuta.

Race organiser and sports tour operator, Travelling Fit, designed the event four years ago to be enjoyed by all levels of running abilities offering four different events - a full marathon, half marathon and two fun runs. Most of the race course is plotted on unsealed roads, trails and bush tracks throughout Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park.

The Marathon is set to become a major event on the Australian running calendar, with participation increasing annually, almost doubling in size since the first event was held in 2010.

"This year, around 300 participants from over 25 countries ran in the event including the USA, UK, Germany and Japan. We aim to continually grow this unique event to become a major highlight for competitors on the Australian running calendar," says Travelling Fit Business Development Manager Michael Walton.

With the combined support of Voyages Indigenous Tourism Australia and Travelling Fit, students from the local Pipalyatjara Anangu, Ernabella Anangu and Amata Schools are encouraged to partake in the event with annual sponsorship. This year, 40 students from these local schools participated in the event.

In addition, Voyages supports The Deadly Fun Run Championships, held at the Resort on Saturday, 13 July 2013. The Deadly Fun Run Series is an initiative set up by Rob de Castella's Indigenous Marathon Project, in a bid to promote healthy living, and increase participation in running in remote Indigenous communities.

Voyages Managing Director Koos Klein says, "We are thrilled to support initiatives like the Australian Outback Marathon and The Deadly Fun Run Championships as they engage, raise and promote awareness of healthy living in local Indigenous communities."

The next annual Australia Outback Marathon will be held on Saturday, 26 July 2014.

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