Friday 5 January 2024

The New Glaciares de Santiago National Park

Chile has designated a new national park 60 km from the capital of Santiago de Chile.

The Glaciares de Santiago National Park has been established to protect 368 glaciers that provide water to a significant part of the region’s ecosystem. 

Taking in 75,114 hectares, the new National Park is found in the upper reaches of the Olivares and Colorado river basins, within the municipality of San José de Maipo. 

The most outstanding glaciers are Olivares Gamma, Juncal Sur and Tupungatito volcano. This park, a biodiversity ‘hotspot’, reflects Chile's commitment to environmental preservation. 

Its high-altitude terrain supports an array of fauna, including pumas, condors, Chilean eagles, peregrine falcons, red foxes, and guanacos. Chile is a long, narrow country stretching along South America's western edge, with more than 6,000km of Pacific Ocean coastline. 

Santiago, its capital, is located in a valley surrounded by the Andes and Chilean Coast Range mountains. 

The city's palm-lined Plaza de Armas contains the neoclassical cathedral and the National History Museum, while the Parque Metropolitano has swimming pools, a botanical garden and zoo. Lotus represents the Latin American Travel Association 
* Katie Cosstick at

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