Thursday 11 January 2024

Spain for All new campaign

The Spanish Tourist Office has launched Spain for All, a new campaign underlying the country’s aspiration to be an all-inclusive and welcoming destination. 

The campaign is linked to an ongoing commitment to improving accessibility, eliminating discrimination and improving diversity within the travel sector. 

Spain for All will embrace a number of initiatives aimed at ‘creating dialogue, sharing key learnings and building a roadmap for better inclusivity from a social and accessibility standpoint to enable more visitors to Spain to immerse themselves in the rich culture, history, and natural beauty of the country’. 

Visitors to Spain can obtain accessibility support and information through Spain Is Accessible, a seal of approval used by Spanish institutions to standardise the accessibility criteria. 

This provides information and support for travellers with disabilities and allows users to filter access to different attractions and destinations dependent on their individual needs. 

The first phase of the Spain for All’ includes the creation of an advisory panel that will collate industry feedback to identify key challenges and opportunities and help identify a roadmap towards progress. 
* Kate McWilliams at

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