Saturday 6 January 2024

Beyond Green launches its Global Impact Report

Sustainable hotel brand Beyond Green has launched its first Global Impact Report, which highlights the positive impact its members have across the three key pillars of sustainable tourism, Nature, Community, and Culture. 

The report uses data from an indepth member sustainability survey and spotlights key findings from 26 properties across the world. 

These demonstrate the power of sustainable tourism while serving as an accessible educational tool for travellers who want to ‘make positive changes and help make travel a force for good’. 

Established by Preferred Travel Group, in April 2021, Beyond Green looks unites sustainability leaders worldwide with each member property vetted according to more than 50 sustainability indicators. 

These are aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. 

Key report highlights include: Dedicated Sustainability Positions Over 90% of Beyond Green members have a dedicated Sustainability Manager or equivalent position or team, steering the evolution and onsite implementation of member’s sustainability programmes. 

Reducing and Eliminating Single-Use Plastics 100% of Beyond Green members have eliminated single-use plastic water bottles from their operations. 

Additional efforts to reduce and eliminate single-use plastics include utilising biodegradable packaging and employing more sustainable materials throughout hotel operations, such as reusable room keys made with wood or bamboo. 

For example, a unique glass bottle crusher creates sand used across The Ranch at Laguna Beach’s GEO-certified golf course in California – while also reducing glass waste stream by 90%. 

Philanthropy & Donations Protecting Cultural Heritage Properties authentically share local cultural heritage with guests through a distinct sense of place that reflects the traditional architecture and regional décor, culinary programmes, and immersive guest experiences that explore local history, folklore, and art. 

Three Camel Lodge in Mongolia’s Gobi Desert safeguards the region’s storied traditions and living heritage through a project to restore the Mongolian Bankhar, a breed of mastiff dog native to the surrounding steppe. 

Community, Social and Economic Well-Being Members actively support local communities, by hiring locally, partnering with local businesses, artists, and artisans, and contributing to micro-enterprise projects, education, health, and other community development priorities. 

The Parkside Hotel & Spa on Vancouver Island became the first hotel in British Columbia to start a Memorandum of Reconciliation (MOR) to ‘recognise the historical relationship of the Songhees Nation with the land upon which The Parkside stands’. 

Guests are invited to join the Lekwungen, known today as the Songhees and Esquimalt People, and learn about indigenous culture through guided canoe and walking tours that reveal a unique perspective on the city’s heritage unknown to most travellers. 

Renewable Energy Nearly 70% of Beyond Green members utilise renewable energy sources, including solar panels, wind turbines, and other sources such as biomass derived from certified wood pellets. 

The Brando excels in leveraging renewables, utilising everything from renewable solar fields to an innovative Sea Water Air Conditioning (SWAC) system that harnesses cold water from the deep sea to naturally cool spaces without damaging hydrofluorocarbons. 

Endangered Species Protection Beyond Green members actively contribute to the protection of over 24 animal species and 1 plant species registered on either the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) Red List or the US Endangered Species list. 

A leader in marine conservation, andBeyond Mnemba Island worked in partnership with the Ministry of Blue to establish Mnemba Island Marine Special Area (MIMSA), which grants additional protection to the surrounding biodiverse waters. 

The property is one of the few protected nesting sites for the endangered green sea turtle – and allows lodge guests to join in on monitoring efforts. 

Through direct financial, in-kind, and guest donations, Beyond Green members donated $3,138,449 during 2021-2022, supporting local communities, natural and cultural initiatives. 

Talaia Plaza EcoResort in Catalonia, Spain, established the Plaza Terra Viva Foundation in December 2022 to scale support for local nonprofits and projects protecting the region’s rich heritage and enhancing the well-being of its residents. 
* Antonia Robinson at 

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