Thursday 7 July 2022

Tottori Prefecture is the birthplace of ground golf!

Ground golf is a simple rule that does not require advanced skills, so you can enjoy playing "anytime, anywhere, anyone".

Nowadays, it has become a sport played all over the world including China, the United States, and Taiwan, but this ground golf was devised in 1982 as a sport that can be played on the school ground in the area of Tomari Villagein Tottori Prefecture.

At "Shiokaze no Oka Tomari", you can play such ground golf as many as 24 holes. Since there is a course on the hill, the scenery is very beautiful, and it is a comfortable spot where the refreshing sea breeze cools the body warmed by ground golf.

Shiokaze no Oka Tomari
Address1313 Tomari, Yurihama-cho, Tohaku-gun
Access:5 minutes by car from JR Tomari Sta

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