Thursday 7 July 2022

Destinations Horse riding holiday specialist, Ranch Rider is adding Jordan to its collection

Jordan, an Arab nation on the bank of the Jordan River, offers ancient monuments, nature reserves and seaside resorts. 

It’s home to the archaeological site of Petra, the Nabatean capital dating to around 300 B.C. 

It is Ranch Rider's first foray into Asia and will give the chance to follow in the footsteps of the Nabateans and the Bedouin. 

The rides includes the option to canter across lengthy stretches of the Barragh Canyon, the longest canyon in Wadi Rum. 

All of Ranch Rider's Jordan riding holidays start and finish in Amman with guided visits to Madaba and Petra. 

Ranch Rider also offers riding holidays in Argentina, South Africa, Botswana, Namibia, Tanzania and Kenya. 

Siobhán Erum-Credo at

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