Monday 16 February 2015


The commitment of $123.35 million to secure more major events and boost visitor expenditure by an estimated $481 million will have a flow on effect for Inland NSW and regional tourism with the potential to make a positive impact throughout NSW and beyond the estimated $481 million in visitor expenditure.

The Chief Executive Officer of Inland NSW Tourism, the Regional Tourism Organisation (RTO) for almost 40% of regional NSW, says “...the commitment by NSW Government to make Sydney the number one destination for major events will positively impact regional tourism in NSW...”.

According to Graham Perry, Chief Executive Officer of Inland NSW, “... this can be achieved because the 25% budget boost to tourism and major invents importantly includes $40.6 million to grow regional tourism...”.

Says Mr Perry “....This shows that the NSW Government recognises the flow on effect that events held in Sydney have on regional NSW. Some attendees to Sydney events will extend their stay to experience other parts of NSW through pre and post event itineraries whilst others will be inspired to return at a later date having firmly placed regional NSW and broader Australian experiences on their bucket list.”

Continuing Mr Perry says “’s announcement shows that NSW Government recognises the vital role events plays in converting awareness of regional destinations and intention to travel into action and reality.

The announcement includes holding new event(s) in July and August to boost visitor numbers in the quieter Winter months, cycling events and events in regional NSW that support the promotion of key themes namely food and wine, history and heritage, arts and culture and nature whilst allowing visitors to experience adventure and eco-tourism.

This will be boosted still further through the promotion of conferences in regional NSW.

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