Wednesday 4 February 2015


Aboriginal experiences are a key attraction for visitors to NSW, with around 826,400 domestic visitors and nearly 600,000 international visitors having experienced Aboriginal tourism products and services in the year ended September 2014.

With this in mind, the NSW Government has continued its industry engagement, investment in cultural events, and delivery against the NSW Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan recommendations, ensuring the sector remains strong into the future.

Deputy Premier and Minister for Tourism and Major Events Troy Grant said that by the end of last year, 19 of the 26 recommended actions identified in the Aboriginal Tourism Action Plan 2013-2016 had been completed or are ongoing, four were in progress and three were in planning.

“A key part of the strategy to grow the sector is to support Aboriginal events that attract visitation, such as Sydney’s Yabun Festival and the Saltwater Freshwater Festival in Coffs Harbour, which is now one of Destination NSW’s Regional Flagship Events. The NSW Government, through Destination NSW, also continues to support Corroboree Sydney, Australia’s largest Indigenous arts and culture festival,” Mr Grant said.

“There are so many wonderful Aboriginal experiences in Sydney and across Regional NSW, and I look forward to continuing to work with this sector to further build NSW’s reputation as a key destination for Indigenous tourism.”

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