Thursday 11 August 2022

The award “Journalism about tourism in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh” open for entries

Visitors experience a peaceful land in Cu Chi district
Department of Tourism and Journalists Association of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City has launched the award "Journalism about tourism in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh” for the 12th time in 2022.

Award "Journalism writing about tourism in Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City" for the 12th edition for journalistic works written on the topic of tourism, was published from January 1, 2021 to July 31, 2022 on the mass media. Entries will be submitted in three categories: radio and television, print and electronic media, and photojournalism (photojournalism).

The works submitted for the award should accurately and promptly reflect solutions, initiatives, and stimulus for the development of the city's tourism industry. Ho Chi Minh City, achievements and contributions of the city's tourism industry in restoring economic development, in the prevention and control of the Covid-19 epidemic. At the same time, introduce, promote and promote tourism through the places of relics, history, traditional craft villages and specialties of the city. Ho Chi Minh. The entries also include new discoveries about the history and traditions of the city's tourism industry, and unique tourism news, photos, and events in the city...

Each author or group of authors can submit up to 3 works. For reportage or series, each work can be submitted for no more than 5 periods. Particularly for the category of press photos, each author or group of authors can submit no more than 20 photos. All entries must clearly state: pseudonym, work name, real name, mobile phone number, email and current address of the author.

Authors can submit their works by email:, by post or directly at the Department of Tourism of Ho Chi Minh City. Ho Chi Minh City (140 Nguyen Dinh Chieu, District 3, Ho Chi Minh City). The deadline to receive entries is August 15, 2022.
* M.Hiep

Website of the Party Committee of Ho Chi Minh City - 
#City. Ho Chi Minh, #Prize, #Newspapers write about tourism in the city. Ho Chi Minh,

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

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