Saturday 13 August 2022

Promoting the preservation of Co Tu ethnic culture in Da Nang

Secretary of the Party cell of Gian Bi village Dinh Van Nhu
takes care of the tree showing the model and unique
cultural features of the Co Tu ethnic group. Photo: TY
Conservation of Co Tu culture was implemented by the People's Committee of Da Nang City in 2018. Since then, the Co Tu community living in the mountainous commune of Hoa Bac (Hoa Vang district) has been interested and facilitated by local authorities. conditions to restore traditional cultural values ​​in the hope of forming a resource for economic development.

Difficulty restoring traditional craft

Five years ago, Ms. Nguyen Thi Lan (SN 1990), the head of the Ta Lang Village Women's Union, became the leader of the Co Tu Brocade Weaving Cooperation Group. The group has 20 members, was established by the Commune People's Committee on the basis of implementing Plan No. 31/KH-UBND dated February 22, 2018 of the People's Committee of Hoa Vang District on restoring the traditional brocade weaving of the Co Tu people in the area. district table.

Like many other Co Tu women, Ms. Lan sees this as an opportunity to promote traditional culture and combine household economic development. Growing up when the brocade weaving of the Co Tu ethnic group living in the upper Cu De River has disappeared, Lan understands that it is very difficult to build a group of skilled workers. Not to mention, many Co Tu women are not very interested in returning to the loom. As the leader of the cooperative group, Ms. Lan and commune officials went to each campaigner and encouraged them to fully participate in training sessions. In order for each member to stick with the weaving profession, besides organizing free classes, Hoa Bac Commune People's Committee stands as a bridge and receives orders.

According to Ms. Lan, it took more than a year for the Co Tu women - who were used to going to the forest to cut firewood and carry baskets to the fields - to be confident with their brocade cloth. “In the early days of participating in the brocade weaving class taught by artisans from Dong Giang district (Quang Nam province), many women intended to give up because the job required meticulousness, beading, and writing skills. , weaving patterns, birds, animals ... However, in each lesson, under the roof of the Gol, sitting by the loom listening to artisans tell stories about their craft, young girls' love for brocade keeps growing. After a period of practice, we can now weave brocade with patterns and sizes as required," said Ms. Lan.

It is not easy to turn the baskets and bags of the Co Tu people into products to serve consumer needs. Mr. Ho Phu Thanh, Vice Chairman of Hoa Bac Commune People's Committee, said that since 2015, the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs has coordinated with the Cooperative Alliance of Da Nang city to open a training course on bamboo and rattan craft for Co-workers. practice locally. Each student participating in the class is granted a certificate of vocational training. This is the basis to help the Co Tu people develop their economy from traditional knitting. However, since then, the products have been made to serve mainly for exhibitions and performances in the village, not generating regular income for the people. According to Mr. Thanh, in addition to the design is not diverse and not common, the product baskets and bags are made by hand, so the price is high and it is difficult to promote widely.

Creating resources for economic development

The project "Building a model of community-based eco-tourism to conserve biodiversity and create livelihoods for the Co Tu ethnic people" in the two villages of Ta Lang and Gian Bi was implemented by the People's Committee of Hoa Vang district. 2015. Since then, the work of preserving and developing the culture of the Co Tu ethnic group has been paid attention and restored by the authorities at all levels.

Mr. Ho Phu Thanh said that, in order to serve visitors and experience, the locality initially restored traditional crafts, the art of gong dancing, da da da da dance, learning about medicinal plants, telling the story. village story. In particular, some specialty dishes of the Co Tu people such as stream snails, fish, can wine, buffalo croissants, lam rice, kitchen buffalo meat, forest banana flower salad, sour bamboo shoots... were present on the trays. meals for guests.

“With the goal of creating local tourism human resources, Hoa Bac Commune People's Committee has established 8 tourism service groups (with 62 households), including groups: gongs, art, food, trekking, knitting. , Ly singing, brocade weaving, narration; At the same time, set up 2 community eco-tourism cooperative groups in 2 villages of Ta Lang and Gian Bi with dozens of participating households. The groups are supported with tools, participate in free English communication classes, training classes, improve their capacity to do ecotourism and protect the environment, create beautiful green landscapes, "said Mr. Thanh.

Meanwhile, Secretary of the Gan Bi Village Party Committee Dinh Van Nhu affirmed that the direction of tourism development is associated with the preservation of national cultural heritages to help people stabilize their lives and create sustainable livelihoods. That is also the reason why he boldly borrowed hundreds of millions of dong to build a homestay to serve guests. Over the past 2 years, in a stay space of about 700m2 located next to a stream, Mr. Nhu displayed typical products of the Co Tu people such as baskets, baskets made of rattan and bamboo, bamboo shoots, sour bamboo shoots and tea. finished wire…

When guests have needs, Mr. Nhu connects service groups in the area, organizes fun and entertainment activities, experiences the culture and cuisine of the Co Tu people. In addition to the economic value, what he is most satisfied with is the restoration of traditional cultural values ​​as well as stimulating people to participate in conservation activities. “The model of community ecotourism creates jobs for Hoa Bac people and is associated with the conservation and restoration of traditional cultural values. This is a suitable and long-term direction, stemming from the issue of preserving and promoting the cultural heritage values ​​of the Co Tu community," said Nhu.

It can be said that the section DT601 from Hoa Bac Commune People's Committee to Ta Lang and Gian Bi hamlets has been upgraded and expanded, opening up hope for economic development for Co Tu people. In Gian Bi village, the homestay model of Ms. Zo Ram Thi Hong's family is in the finishing stage. Each small landscape area, each house on stilts is Ms. Hong's enthusiasm in preserving and storing indigenous culture. She said, as soon as the family intended to build a homestay reflecting the authentic lifestyle of the Co Tu people, she was supported by the People's Committee of Hoa Bac commune with administrative procedures, loans, design consultancy, and support. planting flowers, making signs. Next time, when Ms. Hong's homestay comes into operation, visitors to Hoa Bac will have more choices and interesting experiences related to the cultural identity of the Co Tu ethnic group.

In order for the conservation and restoration of Co Tu culture to continue to be effective, Mr. Ho Phu Thanh affirmed that commune leaders will continue to accompany, connect and create favorable conditions for ecotourism models in the world. operating area; in which, encouraging people to restore their traditional craft, build demonstration activities, sell souvenirs, handicrafts, and introduce culinary services. According to Mr. Thanh, in order to meet the needs of entertainment and relaxation, Hoa Bac Commune People's Committee will continue to learn the model of traditional herbal baths and saunas and turn this product into a typical tourist product serving customers. next time.

Da Nang electronic newspaper - - Posted on July 31, 2022

#Danang, #conserve, #Traditional culture, #Co Tu ethnic group,

The Holiday and Travel Magazine

Vietnam National Administration of Tourism

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