Sunday 1 February 2015

Visitors can immediately upload photos through public WiFi at Kings Canyon

Locals and visitors to Kings Canyon in Central Australia will now be able to upload photos in real time with free public WiFi switched on at the popular tourism destination by the Giles Government.

“This is follows the rollout of free WiFi at the popular Wangi Falls in the Top End,” said acting Tourism Minister, Peter Chandler.

“Having free WiFi at Kings Canyon will make a holiday to the Red Centre even better. Access to WiFi will enable visitors to use different tools to understand local flora, fauna and cultural stories.

“And those happy snaps uploaded and shared with friends and family on social media sites like Facebook, Instagram and Twitter will give the Territory invaluable exposure through word-of-mouth marketing which is so important these days.

“The free WiFi will also allow Tourism NT and others to on-sell experiences to encourage tourists to discover other points of interest around Central Australia, which may extend their stay in the NT and have flow-on benefits for other businesses.

“It will help to value-add to visitors to the Territory by highlighting key activities and events on offer throughout the NT.

“This is just one of a number of new innovative initiatives the Giles Government has put in place to boost the Territory’s tourism industry and turn around a decade of decline in visitors to the NT.

“Recent statistics show a combined increase of 4.9 per cent of international and domestic visitors to Alice Springs demonstrating innovative ideas like this by the Country Liberals Government supported by our increased investment of $16 million into tourism over the past two years – are starting to pay off.”

Kings Canyon sees around 220,000 visitors a year and the free WiFi will allow those visitors to instantly share their experiences in this beautiful park with the rest of the world.

The free WiFi at Kings Canyon will be provided at the car park allowing people to download maps and information before they start their walk, and upload holiday pictures to their friends immediately afterwards.

The roll-out of free WiFi at NT parks and reserves is part of the Country Liberals plan to boost tourism in the Territory and drive innovation to help develop North Australia.

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