Thursday 5 February 2015

Shen Yun Performing Arts 2015 World Tour to Sydney in February -- One unforgettable show, 5000 Years of Civilization live on stage

Shen Yun Performing Arts will return to Sydney at the Capitol Theatre 6-15 February 2015 as part of its global tour. All-new 2015 program of around twenty masterful dances and songs bring Asia's celebrated past to life on stage with live orchestra.

Let Shen Yun take you a journey through ancient dynasties and heavenly realms, where legends and classic heroes spring to life through classical Chinese dance. Dazzling costumes, thunderous battle drums and powerful flips fill the stage with colour and energy. Exquisite melodies and animated backdrops uplift your spirit and transport you to another world.

Compassion, loyalty and virtue lie at the heart of traditional Chinese culture. Almost lost under communist rule in China, this glorious heritage is finally being revivied and shared with the world.

New York-based Shen Yun has become a global sensation, reviving China’s 5,000 years of divinely inspired culture, once almost lost. Millions of people have seen Shen Yun. Standing ovations at the world's top venues, royalty attending in Europe, sold-out shows throughout North America and packed houses across Asia have made Shen Yun an international phenomenon. Enter a wondrous realm of beauty, purity and grace- a place where the righteous always prevail and legends come to life…

State-of-the-art backdrops conjure celestial palaces and pastoral vistas, while ground breaking music from a full live orchestra combines the best of Chinese and Western composition. Taking inspiration from ancient heroic legends and modern courageous tales, the breathtaking beauty of Shen Yun Performing Arts is not to be missed. Experience the wonder of authentic Chinese culture. Experience Shen Yun!

For more Information about the show:

Book your tickets now! TICKETMASTER: 1300 558 878 or

"5,000 years of Chinese music and dance, in one night" - New York Times

“Don’t see it once, see it twice!” – WVOX

"Demonstrating the highest realm in arts, Shen Yun inspires the performing arts world." - Chi Cao, Actor in Mao’s Last Dancer, and dancer with Birmingham Royal Ballet

“It’s absolutely beautiful,” “It was so inspiring, I think I may have found some new ideas for the next Avatar."-- Robert Stromberg: Emmy and Academy Award winner, production designer for Avatar

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