Friday 13 September 2024

Viet Nam tourism puts it in the bin for a plastic waste-free experience

Plastic waste litters beaches in Vietnam. (Photo: Lekima Hung)
The Vietnam Tourism Association (VITA) will soon finalise and issue an action plan to mobilize the cooperation of the public, businesses, and communities towards the goal of plastic waste-free tourism in Vietnam.

The Vietnam Tourism Association (VITA) is set to launch an action plan to reduce plastic waste in the tourism industry. This plan will establish a framework for effective waste reduction efforts across the sector. To be effective, the plan must mobilize the public and the business community toward the goal of a plastic waste-free Vietnam.

VITA Chairman Vu The Binh emphasized the global threat of plastic waste and its significant impact on Vietnam, particularly on the tourism industry. While tourism is heavily affected by plastic pollution, it also contributes to the problem. The active involvement of the tourism sector in addressing plastic waste is seen as crucial for achieving sustainable development goals.

In response to this challenge, Vietnam’s Environmental Protection Law 2020 and Decree 08/2022/ND-CP have outlined a roadmap for reducing plastic waste, targeting 100% elimination of non-biodegradable plastic bags and single-use plastic products in tourist areas and accommodations by 2025.

Several coastal provinces and cities are already implementing local action plans to manage marine plastic waste.

Despite these efforts, experts highlight gaps in the legal framework, particularly in tourism policies.

There is no dedicated action plan for plastic waste management in the sector, nor a clear mechanism for coordination between relevant ministries.

Challenges also remain in enforcing national standards for recycled plastic products and promoting eco-friendly alternatives.

Since 2018, VITA has led the ‘Vietnam Tourism - Join Hands to Reduce Plastic Waste’ campaign, gaining strong support from businesses and localities nationwide.

Many companies and localities have made significant progress in reducing plastic waste through this initiative.

Maintaining clean, green, and beautiful destinations
is everyone’s responsibility. (Photo: Vietnam+)
The project “Reducing Plastic Waste in Vietnam’s Tourism Sector,” proposed by the Vietnam Tourism Association (VITA), has been approved for implementation in 2023-2024 by the Global Environment Facility’s Small Grants Programme (UNDP/GEF-SGP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).

As part of this initiative, VITA will develop and issue an Action Plan aimed at reducing plastic waste across the tourism industry. This plan will serve as a foundation for VITA members to effectively carry out waste reduction activities, while also contributing to the objectives outlined in the relevant legal framework.

According to VITA General Secretary Vu Quoc Tri, the association has outlined key tasks, including raising awareness, developing green tourism products, and mobilizing international resources.

By 2025, 100% of VITA members are expected to be informed about the harmful effects of plastic waste, with 50% of tourist sites and hotels eliminating non-biodegradable plastics. The goal is for all members to achieve this by 2030.

Ha Van Sieu, Deputy Director General of the Vietnam National Administration of Tourism, praised the project’s broad impact and confirmed the administration’s support.

He also pledged to consider the project’s recommendations for submission to relevant ministries.

The Vietnam National Administration of Tourism plans to introduce criteria for recognizing plastic waste-free tourism enterprises and calls on localities, destinations, and businesses to collaborate in implementing the Action Plan.

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