Wednesday 18 June 2014


The most extensive exhibition of pop art ever shown in Australia will hit Sydney this summer, Assistant Minister for Tourism and Major Events Katrina Hodgkinson and Minister for the Arts Troy Grant announced today.

“Pop to popism” will grace the walls of the Art Gallery of NSW from November 2014 as part of the Sydney International Art Series – a signature event on the Sydney and NSW Events calendar and now in its fifth year.

Ms Hodgkinson said the Sydney International Art Series is a major drawcard for visitors to Sydney during summer.

“The event has delivered more than $80 million in visitor spend to the NSW economy, with around 100,000 interstate and overseas visitors coming to Sydney specifically to see exhibitions,” Ms Hodgkinson said.

“The Sydney International Art Series is just one of the wonderful events the NSW Government supports through its tourism and major events agency, Destination NSW.

“Sydney hosts a spectacular summer season of events and celebrations, so it’s a fantastic time to visit and take in one of these world-class exhibitions that enrich the cultural fabric of the city.”

Mr Grant said the Sydney International Art Series has attracted more than a million visitors to two of Sydney’s exceptional art museums, the Art Gallery of NSW and the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, since its inception.

“Pop art was the ultimate mix of advertising, film, television, music and everyday household items,” Mr Grant said.

“Artists like Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein and Brett Whiteley made art that was exciting and that people could understand. The pop art movement broke the barriers between high culture and popular taste, changing art forever.

“Pop to popism is a great example of the NSW Government’s support in delivering world-class exhibitions exclusively for Sydney. The exhibition will take up an entire floor of the Art Gallery of NSW, with over 200 works on display by more than 70 artists,” Mr Grant said.

Art Gallery of NSW Director, Dr Michael Brand, said Pop to popism was among the most expansive and ambitious exhibitions ever undertaken by the Gallery.

“This will be the most comprehensive survey of pop art to be seen in Australia and reflects the decisive role played by pop in the development of contemporary art,” Dr Brand said.

“The exhibition will present Australian pop artists alongside their international peers from the United States, the United Kingdom and Europe and extends beyond the period of classic pop art into the eighties, giving audiences an insight into pop’s enduring legacy both here and abroad.”

Pop to popism will run from 1 November 2014 to 1 March 2015 at the Art Gallery of NSW and will be shown in conjunction with Chuck Close prints: process and collaboration at the Museum of Contemporary Art Australia from 19 November 2014 to 9 March 2015.

Previous Sydney International Art Series exhibitions staged at the Art Gallery of NSW include The First Emperors: China’s entombed warriors in 2010-11; the record-breaking Picasso: masterpieces from the Musee National Picasso, Paris in 2011-12; and more recently Francis Bacon: five decades in 2012-13 and America: painting a nation in 2013-14.

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