Tuesday 17 June 2014


Moore Park Golf, part of Centennial Parklands, is the first public golf course in Australia to enable people with severe physical disability to enjoy a round of golf.

Environment Minister Rob Stokes this week launched the Paragolfer, a German-designed cart, which will allow people with hemiplegia and quadriplegia the opportunity to experience this previously inaccessible sport.

“The NSW Government has invested more than $1 million into refurbishments and accessibility upgrades at the course and its facilities and the Paragolfer was donated through a $45,000 grant from the Centennial Parklands Foundation,” Rob Stokes said.

“This is the first public golf course in Australia with this equipment and we’re delighted that we can provide golfers with disabilities the opportunity to partake in the sport.

“The Paragolfer is a state-of-the-art piece of machinery that offers the extremely positive therapeutic effects of golf for people with physical limitations. It lifts people from a sitting to standing position and enables upright posture with unrestricted shoulder movement to enable someone to swing a golf club.”

Coogee MP Bruce Notley-Smith said in addition to the new equipment, two new automated tees have been installed on the adjacent driving range to automatically dispense balls.

“Centennial Parklands recent investment in over $1 million on refurbishment and accessibility upgrades to the Moore Park Golf House includes a new easy access ramp and a unisex disabled toilet, making this wonderful facility more accessible for those with a disability,” Mr Notley-Smith said.

Moore Park Golf Accessibility Ambassador and quadriplegic, James Gribble, said, “After breaking my neck four years ago not knowing if I'd even survive, words can't express how amazing it felt to be upright and swinging a golf club for the first time. I can only imagine how incredible it will be playing against my golfing buddies again.”

“With the combination of automated tees and the Paragolfer, Moore Park Golf is set to become one of the most accessible and accommodating public golf facilities in Australia for golfers with disabilities.”

Centennial Parklands with the support of the NSW Government has invested $3 million in upgrades across the Golf House, driving range, golf course and signage around the precinct over the last four years.

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