Tuesday 17 June 2014


Good Morning Food Lovers from all around the World,

Muswellbrook Carnivale in Spring is all about the DIFFERENCE – WHAT’S YOUR FAVOURITE FOOD ???

Over the years, people from around the Globe have come to make Muswellbrook (NSW, Australia) their home. Some came only within the last couple of weeks, others generations ago, some were “First Fleeters” and others go back to the Dream Time.

With those who are more recent settlers, came an explosion of tastes and cuisine from Europe and the Americas, Afric and Asia.

Food is the great bond between cultures; Food breaks down the barriers; Food is the best conversation starter. Friendships for life are formed by the simple act of “breaking bread” together.

At last count, there were about 57 different languages spoken in Muswellbrook and with each of those languages, another exciting taste arrived in the ‘Brook. Likewise, many of us cherish our Grandmother’s special recipe we first tried all those years ago – passed down from granny to mum and then to us and hopefully on to our kids; recipes brought with the early settlers that have stayed true to the formula and others altered and enhanced to account for the new land and it’s bounty.

To help us celebrate the wonderful differences and diversity within our community, we invite you to tell us about your favourite food.

Share the experience:

  • What is that special dish ?
  • Where does it come from?
  • Did you first experience that magic moment at home of in some strange and distant land ?
  • Was there someone special there with you – a memory you can’t let go ?

TELL YOUR STORY ON FACEBOOK…..Help us get the conversation going:
Muswellbrook Carnivale is on Facebook and we would love to share the pleasure.

Click on the link below to LIKE Carnivale Facebook so you can tell us about your favourite TUCKER !!!

CLICK HERE: https://www.facebook.com/pages/Muswellbrook-Carnivale-in-Spring/249480898504242

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