Wednesday 12 June 2024

13cm Of Fresh Snow At Thredbo Resort Overnight With More In The Forecast!

Thredbo Resort has received 13cm of fresh snow up top overnight.

The storm begun to roll in on Tuesday afternoon with snow continuing to fall through to Wednesday morning.

By mid-morning on Wednesday, the upper half of the mountain was covered in a layer of white with a light dusting of snow falling all the way down to the village.

The temperature has dropped significantly over the past two days and is forecast to dip as low as minus six degrees on multiple evenings this week. These subzero conditions are ideal for Thredbo's snowmaking operations and it is expected that the snowmaking guns will be fired up each night.

The two week forecast looks promising with experts predicting there is more fresh snow to come.

Thredbo is currently offering skiing and snowboarding in the Friday Flat area. With this recent snowfall combined with the upcoming snowmaking conditions, Thredbo will be looking to expand the skiing and snowboarding terrain on offer as soon as possible.

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