Thursday 27 June 2024

5 world rare species of wintering birds spotted in Myanmar's 2nd largest lake

This winter, 34 wintering birds including world rare species appeared in Ramsar region of Inle Lake, Myanmar's second largest lake, according to the state-run daily The Mirror.

Five world rare species of wintering birds are two species of seagulls, Eurasian coots, pochards and tufted ducks. The conservation and monitoring of these birds was carried out in eight grazing areas, the report said.

"Our department has informed the public not to kill or capture the birds. These birds travel seasonally and support tourism and biodiversity. Therefore, people and the relevant departments work together to achieve a sustainable bird habitat that is recognized internationally," administrator of Inle Lake wildlife sanctuary U Tin Mya Soe told Xinhua on Thursday.

The arrival of migratory birds can have biodiversity conservation benefits, wintering birds don't visit everywhere, they rely on habitat that provides enough food and safety, he said.

In addition, it can help tourism through attracting foreigners and bird watchers and create opportunities for locals, he added.

The wintering birds enter Myanmar every year from October and return in April. The wintering birds from Siberia come into Inle Lake, while wintering birds from China and Russia enter Indawgyi Lake.
*Source: Xinhua

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