Thursday 25 April 2024

Make an unforgettable visit to a turtle hatchery

Babies have a way with our hearts! They will steal yours when you stop over at the Kosgoda Hatcheries where you are bound to find them in all their loving shades of Leatherbacks, Hawksbills, Loggerheads, Green Turtles and the Olive Ridleys, the five species of turtles in the island. Kosgoda, located down south, is one beach in the island where all five species tend to make their nests.

This place is a dedicated turtle welfare centre which nurtures and cares for them from the onset until the little ones hatch and take to their home, the ocean.

Their task begins long before the babies are born. They watch over the nestling mother and once the eggs are laid these are transferred to the safe grounds of the hatchery. The day the babies are born, they are safely released to the waters. If any complications occur, they are tended to and released only when these babies are fit to begin their life journey in the vast ocean.

Sea turtles have become an endangered species all because natural resources are being exploited by human beings. This hatchery has passionately taken up the responsibility in protecting these harmless creatures who are a gentle part of our universal ecosystem supporting the survival of man and the planet.

It would touch your hearts once you drop in to see these lovable little ones at Kosgoda Hatcheries. You may even get the opportunity to release the babies to the ocean if you speak to the staff in there. It would surely fill your heart with emotion, remembering how the delicate babies you released off your hands, ran to the great ocean flapping with joy, like a child would, to their mother.

Sri Lanka Convention Bureau

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