Monday 9 January 2023

Price will dictate Aussies travel choices more than ever in 2023, Skyscanner reveals

Global travel site Skyscanner has released its Travel Trends 2023 report*, highlighting price will dictate the travel choices we make in 2023 more than ever.

While Aussies will be looking for bargains, it won’t change their commitment to travel, as 97% will take at least one trip abroad in the new year and 41% plan to spend more on travel compared to 2022.

Despite the rising cost of living, Skyscanner data reveals travel is still a priority, with 74% of respondents affirming their plans to holiday abroad are bigger or the same as last year’s. Aussies will employ a range of financial measures to ensure they get their desired holiday, including one-third (33%) revealing they’ll choose a destination where currency will go further.

Aussies are dedicated to overseas travel, but are increasingly savvy about how they plan great value trips. For example, almost one-third (27%) plan on spending less when they arrive at their chosen destination and another quarter (26%) will spend less on accommodation, revealing Aussies are prioritising their dollars on the travel to get them to their desired destination.

Some additional key trends found within Skyscanner’s Travel Trends 2023 report include:
  • Considerate, price-driven decisions: different from 2022, when Travel Trends pointed to indulging, longer trips, Aussies are reconsidering where they spend their money when it comes to travel to guarantee their investment delivers exactly what they’re after. 43% claim the cost of flights is the most important factor when planning their holiday. It’s also been revealed 40% of respondents are now willing to pay more for insurance, and another 33% are willing to spend more on flight seat selections.
  • Trending destinations are changing as we look for locations where our money will stretch further: One-third (33%) of Aussies say the rising cost of living is causing them to choose destinations where their currency will go further, with destinations such as Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, likely to prove popular as some of the current cheapest international destinations on Skyscanner for 2023.
  • Reconnecting with friends and family remains the leading reason for travel into 2023: Social connections continue to be the top reason this is the case, with 55% planning to travel abroad next year claiming to do so to visit/reunite with loved ones. However, in 2023, the reasons to travel will diversify, with a growing number of respondents looking for time away on beach holidays (45%) and city breaks (31%).
  • Relaxation top of the agenda: After a period of increased stress, Aussies are prioritising travel to unwind. 1 in 4 (26%) dream of a holiday purely focused on relaxation, while 44% of Aussies looking to travel solo next year claim to be doing so for their wellness/mental health.
  • Social influence: The envious travels of our loved ones seem to be driving these trends, as Aussies look to Facebook and Instagram (28%; 27%) for travel inspiration, with friends and family travels being the number one source of inspiration for Aussies on social media (76%). We’ve also seen some new destinations emerge thanks to word of mouth with Mexico City and Amman, Jordan, seeing significant rises in searches on Skyscanner when compared to 2019 (increase of 525% and 503% respectively). Expect these gems to be the next stars of social media.
  • Importance of sustainable travel: More than 4 in 5 (86%) stated they felt travel-related sustainability holds the same or more importance than it did pre-pandemic. Interestingly, more than 1 in 3 (33%) stated they would give up convenience and comforts (e.g., route of choice, destination of choice, cabin class etc.) to accommodate for a more sustainable travel option.

Skyscanner’s Aussie Travel Expert, Jarrod Kris, says it’s no surprise travel remains a top priority for Aussies:

“Even though there is an increasing pressure on cost of living, the aftermath of a pandemic has made travellers look for ways to make up for lost time and create new experiences and memories, with international travel remaining a priority for Australians,” said Kris.

“Aussies have become savvier to the value of post-pandemic time away. The squeeze on personal spending has shown that while consumers are committed to travel, they are increasingly shopping around and placing more value on extras such as insurance. The year looks set to be a year of discoveries as emerging destinations come to the fore.”

Skyscanner has brought the trends to life in the virtual Skyscanner Departure Lounge. Head over to the Skyscanner Trends Report on Spacial for a glimpse into the world of virtual travel and to experience the trends yourself.

*Source: Nadia Othman, Haystac dentsu, E:, P: +61 (0) 401 633 838W:

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