Friday 6 March 2020

Why summertime in the Arctic will leave you spellbound

The coast of Hudson Bay in Manitoba’s north is another world, abundant with incredible natural wonders and heart-stopping wildlife that touch your heart and change you forever. Base yourself in the town of Churchill, known as the “Polar Bear Capital of the World”, located where the boreal forest meets the tundra, making it one of the best places to see wildlife of all kinds.

While July and August are not considered prime polar bear season, there are still great opportunities to view a bear (or twelve) as they sleep among boulders, roam the shorelines, and take a dip in the Bay.

Offering full-day boat tours to the renowned Hubbard Point, Lazy Bear Expeditions have the experience and the know-how to bring you to the best bear spots.

"Summer allows us to see the predator prey relationship, with polar bears hunting for seals and beluga whales," says Lazy Bear Expeditions operations manager Wally Daudrich.

For an even closer encounter with summer bears, Churchill Wild offers remote, fly-in eco-lodges and a Birds, Bears and Belugas summer package that includes walking (yes, walking) alongside polar bears with highly experienced guides — perfect for the aspiring photographer looking to capture an unforgettable photo of bears against the wildflowers of the tundra.

Nowhere else on earth can you get as up close and personal with beluga whales. The western Hudson Bay coast is the summer home for around 57,000 social, curious, and friendly whales that visit Churchill each summer.

There are multiple ways to view these belugas, with Sea North Tours offering daily departures dependent on tide times and weather in July and August.

Arctic Manitoba is a magical place where polar bears frolic among wildflowers, birds flock to their nesting sites in huge numbers and countless caribou march across the vast landscape.

Pack your hiking boots and discover where the wild things are.
Destination Canada

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