Saturday 14 March 2020


There was no lack of knowledge being exchanged at the dedicated day of learning at AIME 2020!

With a clear focus on the professional and personal development of the AIME community, the Knowledge Exchange proved that AIME is not just another trade show.

The full-day program that took place on Monday 17 February gave industry professionals the opportunity to learn fresh new content in a combination of workshops, plenaries and breakout sessions. The carefully designed structure of the day ensured it was more than just a day of learning, but an opportunity to share knowledge with new and existing networks. The AIME Knowledge Exchange had an overarching focus on the power of human connection that offered relevant, engaging and practical implementations for the future.

The content stemmed from fascinating industry trends/projections to learning how to transform networking conversations and hands-on lego workshops to boost creativity. The content explored fresh new topics and sparked insightful debates that was relevant to the personal growth of each attendee and conversations necessary for the industry.

The breadth and depth of knowledge that was shared over the duration of the day was valued highly by attendees. The overall feedback and level of satisfaction indicated by guests was overwhelmingly positive. The session evaluations indicated that the majority of Knowledge Exchange attendees found the content to be relevant, with definite takeaways and rated as excellent overall. The comments left after each session highlighted the many ‘eureka’ moments experienced during each workshop, plenary session and breakout sessions.

The networking opportunities over the course of the Monday were endless as the day was broken up with morning, lunch and afternoon networking breaks that were catered by the MCEC. The Knowledge Exchange attendees were able to process and discuss each session further whilst soaking in the Melbourne sun in the MCEC Courtyard. These breaks enabled organic sharing and networking to take place, away from the structured meeting rooms.

Don’t just take our word for it, check out what a snapshot of attendees had to say…
“Great practical techniques to take away and practice.”
“I am heading into the remainder of AIME with renewed confidence and enthusiasm.”
“Loved this session, it left me hungry for more.”
“Amazing workshop which will benefit me personally and professionally.”
“Interesting content and a different way of looking at things. Wonderful!”
“Such an inspirational and valuable sharing session. Reminded me to keep applying the basics in everything that I hope to succeed in.”

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