Friday 1 February 2019

The report of the data center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China pointed out China contributes to the development of world tourism

On January 17, the China Tourism Research Institute (Data Center of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of China) released the "2018 Series of Tourism Economic Operation Inventory: World Tourism Development and International Tourism Cooperation." The report shows that in 2018 China contributed a strong momentum to the development of world tourism and became a pioneer in regional strategies, countries and enterprises. It is expected that the trend of stable global tourism growth will remain unchanged in 2019, and the number of overnight visitors will increase by about 5%. The Asia-Pacific region will become a fast-growing area for global entry.

  The report pointed out that global tourism has risen steadily in 2018, and China has led the new world tourism pattern. First, the world's tourism industry continued to grow in the ninth year. The market growth rate exceeded the expectations at the beginning of the year, and the pace of growth continued to advance. According to data from the United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), 80% of countries in 2018 have seen an increase in inbound tourists. Second, China has become one of the most important source markets and destinations for the world tourism market. China has provided a steady flow of passengers to the world. Third, the tourism industry continued to contribute to the growth of the world economy in 2018. The World Tourism Council (WTTC) "2018 Global Tourism Industry Economic Impact Report" shows that travel and tourism have outperformed the global economic growth rate for many years. The “One Belt, One Road” initiative has proposed that China will contribute greatly to the world's tourism industry in the past five years.

  The report proposes that China's international tourism cooperation will be multi-level in 2018, and radiation will drive the development of world tourism. “Global Tourism” builds a vision of a better life and welcomes inbound tourists. China has actively expanded its opening to the outside world to provide convenience for inbound tourists. Home diplomacy has become an important stage for international tourism cooperation. (Li Zhigang)

Source: CNTO (China National Tourism Administration)

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