Tuesday 8 July 2014

Lucas Museum of Narrative Art for Chicago

George Lucas has announced that the Lucas Museum of Narrative Art will be built in Chicago home. These are some comments various people have made since learning of this exciting news.

Gary Johnson

President, Chicago History Museum, and President, Museums in the Park Association

"The leaders of Chicago's museum community are thrilled to welcome the Lucas Museum of Narrative Arts. Chicago today has tremendous cultural and architectural assets, vibrant neighborhoods and parks, and a lakefront setting that is second to none. What Chicago needs are new reasons for the world to come and discover us. Adding more unique world-class attractions like the Lucas Museum can do just that by putting our city in a new category for tourism. The Lucas Museum will activate more interest in the city's other assets and add jobs to our economy. We look forward to welcoming a new member to our museum community."

Gillian Darlow and Kurt Summers

Co-chairs, Lucas Site Selection Task Force

"Chicago is a city of storytellers, a city that treasures arts and culture, and a city defined by bold visions. Since the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition, the city has been home to many of the most important cultural institutions in the country. The Lucas Museum of Narrative Art will add a world-class attraction to Chicago's lakefront, elevate Chicago's profile as a global city, and provide new educational opportunities for our youth. The ambitious project will turn acres of asphalt into a stunning structure surrounded by newly created green space-improving the lakefront while reaffirming the principles that have made it a treasure for generations. We are thrilled that the museum has chosen Chicago as its home and we look forward to seeing it develop as a model for how museums can engage and inspire in the 21st century."

Mayor Rahm Emanuel

City of Chicago

"George Lucas has revolutionized the art of storytelling over the last four decades and we are honored to be the recipient of this incredible legacy investment that will allow everyone to learn about and experience narrative arts. Like Marshall Field, John G. Shedd and Max Adler before him, George's philanthropy will inspire and educate for generations. No other museum like this exists in the world, making it a tremendous educational, cultural and job creation asset for all Chicagoans, as well as an unparalleled draw for international tourists.

Lee Bey

Special Projects Manager, University of Chicago

"To me, it's an urban planning hat trick. Chicago gains a major world-class museum of this size without having to displace people, or demolish buildings or lose open space-in fact, we'll gain open space. This is a win for the city and its citizens."

Don Welsh

CEO, Choose Chicago

"In my thirty plus years working in the visitor industry, nearly four of which have been in Chicago, I can honestly say that a cultural institution of this magnitude is a once in a lifetime investment. I believe the Lucas Museum will be among the most significant game changers a city could ever hope for in seeking to create jobs and grow visitation."

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