Thursday 19 June 2014

Melbourne Airport welcomes second daily China Eastern Service

Melbourne Airport has welcomed China Eastern’s announcement to double its Melbourne-Shanghai services to twice daily over the December 2014 – March 2015 period.

Melbourne Airport CEO, Chris Woodruff, said the additional services provide more choice for travellers during the peak summer and Chinese New Year periods.

“Shanghai and Melbourne are dynamic cities and offer tourists a number of unique experiences. The seven additional services per week are at the busiest time of the year and will provide more opportunities to explore our great cities,” Mr Woodruff said.

“China continues to be Melbourne’s number one long haul market, growing nearly 20 per cent in the last quarter alone, and I thank China Eastern for their continued support in growing this valuable market.”

“We work closely with our airline customers, such as China Eastern, to provide greater scheduling flexibility, low aeronautical charges and high service levels. This in turn benefits passengers with more options to a great range of domestic and international destinations like Shanghai.”

“Over the next 20 years we are investing billions of dollars to upgrade our facilities and road network as we aim to become Australia’s airport of choice by delivering a superior customer experience,” he said.

The twice daily A330-200 service will commence on 30 November and provide an additional 29,100 seats into the Melbourne market.

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