Saturday 2 November 2013

New Baby Born at Dolphin Marine Magic

Dolphin Marine Magic at Coffs Harbour has welcomed its newest addition. Calamity, a 27-year-old Indo-Pacific bottlenose dolphin, gave birth to a healthy calf at 2:42am today.

The calf is under the close care and supervision of the marine mammal specialists. The calf has been spending its time by its mother's side nursing. At this stage the sex of the new born is unknown.

Dolphin Marine Magic CEO Paige Sinclair, “We are excited to have a healthy new calf at Dolphin Marine Magic. It was a very quick birth. Within ten minutes of the tail being sighted, the calf was born and Calamity was teaching it to swim. Both Mother and calf are in good health.

Dolphin Marine Magic’s Life Sciences Manager, Aaron Tolley said: ” While mother and calf are doing well, the calf will be closely monitored for the next three months and for up to a year. The risk to the health of new born calves is quite high and close observation and monitoring is critical at this stage.”

Calamity has been through a 12-month pregnancy, closely monitored by Dolphin Marine Magic staff. Dr Duan March, veterinarian for Dolphin Marine Magic, said “Calamity has undergone routine blood samples and ultrasound to monitor the foetal growth and make sure everything has been progressing as it should.

Calamity has handled the pregnancy well and she has been a great mother to daughter Bella and son Jet so we expect her to do so with the new baby.”

The calf will spend the next three years nursing by its mother's side. Aaron and the other marine specialists will be right there, watching it grow. "

This is an amazing job but watching a calf born is something special," says Aaron Tolley.

Dolphin Marine Magic is one of only two marine parks in Australia with dolphins. This is only the third successful dolphin birth under human care in NSW in the last 20 years.

The public will be able to view the new calf at Dolphin Marine Magic from today.

For more information please visit

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