Thursday 7 November 2013

Celebrity Fans Agree with Lonely Planet

Lonely Planet has chosen the Kimberley in Western Australia's North West as one of the world's Top 10 Regions for the year ahead, in its 'Best in Travel 2014'.

The Kimberley ranked second on the book's list of Top 10 Regions 2014, stating "it's one of the most sparsely populated regions on the planet and one of the most starkly beautiful," Lonely Planet says, "carved by giant gorges, dimpled with deep, cool pools, and home to a coastline that could make Australian east-coasters weep."

And it's not just the travel experts at Lonely Planet that think the Kimberley is extraordinary. In recent times, the region has attracted a plethora of high-profile guests including Sir Bib Geldof, Ewan McGregor, Jerry Hall, Miranda Kerr, Megan Gale, Nicole Kidman and many more - who've sung its praises to the world through traditional and social media channels.

When talk show host Elen DeGeneres asked Nicole Kidman where her favourite Australian destination was earlier this year - her answer was simple - "Kununurra".

Kidman fell in love with the Kimberley during the filming of Baz Luhrmann's Australia in 2007 and has been an advocate ever since.

Luhrmann spent almost a decade searching for the ultimate Australian landscape that would etch itself indelibly into the public imagination - he chose the Kimberley.

"What's so exciting about the landscape which is on the one hand, harsh, brutal and unforgiving - but at any given moment can become the most awesome, majestic, inspiring, poetic and lyrical place to be."

In May 2013, Sir Bob Geldof was on business in Perth when he decided he had to tick off one of his "bucket list" experiences - witnessing the awe-inspiring Bungle Bungle Range at World Heritage listed Purnululu National Park first hand.

"I absolutely love the Kimberley," said Sir Bob. "It's such a beautiful country and I got fed up not knowing this part of Western Australia," he explained.

"I flew up to Kununurra for the Ord Valley Muster and was fortunate enough to visit the Bungle Bungles whilst I was there. I had heard so much about them and had seen pictures, but had to go see them for myself. It was definitely worth the effort as both were simply spectacular in asymmetrical ways," Geldof said.

In the past twelve months several high-profile advertising campaigns were shot in the Kimberley - Myer at El Questro, David Jones at Eco Beach and Megan Gale's Isola swimwear range on Broome's Cable Beach to name a few.

The timing of the Lonely Planet announcement couldn't be better, with the Kimberley featuring in one of Tourism WA's two new Experience Extraordinary brand films

The Kimberley ad features locations including El Questro Wilderness Park, Home Valley Station, the Bungle Bungle Range, Cable Beach and Gantheaume Point, aiming to create an emotional connection by focusing on getting away from everyday life and reconnecting with those who matter the most in an extraordinary destination such as WA.

The Lonely Plant endorsement as one of the world's top tourism destinations is a huge boost for the Kimberley's national and international profile, and will hopefully inspire a new wave of visitors to this extraordinary, unique wilderness region.

To view the extraordinary Kimberley brand film visit:
To find out more about Western Australia visit

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