Sunday 6 October 2013

The Best of "Thainess": 9th Tourism Awards Reflect Thailand's Changing Product Portfolio

Reflecting the best traditions of "Thainess", a number of Thai national parks, community development Centres, museums, a Buddhist community and even one sufficiency economy lifestyle community were among the 114 winners of the 9th Tourism Awards presented on World Tourism Day.

The ceremony was presided over by Mr. Somsak Pureesrisak, Minister of Tourism and Sports who also conferred the awards jointly with Mr. Suraphon Svetasreni, Governor of Tourism Authority of Thailand. The gala event was attended by representatives of tourism operators, tourism associations, foundations and media.

Initiated by the Tourism Authority of Thailand since 1996, the Thailand Tourism Awards are held bi-annually. The winners are announced on World Tourism Day. This year's awards covered six categories 1) Tourism Support and Promotion Organisations, 2) Tourist Attractions, 3) Tourist Accommodation, 4) Tour Programmes, 5) Health Tourism, and 6) Innovations for Thai Tourism Promotion.

The conceptual frameworks for the awards are based entirely on conservation and management of environmentally-friendly tourism products which also contribute to the preservation and conservation of culture, heritage and Thai traditions. This is a critical component of the "Thainess" marketing strategy adopted by the TAT for 2014 and beyond as a means of highlighting the kingdom's unique selling propositions in a rapidly changing environment."

Of the 271 applications for this year's Awards, the judges selected 29 Awards of Excellence and 85 Awards of Outstanding Performance.

Said Mr. Somsak, "I would like to extend warmest congratulations to all the award-winners for their dedication and commitment as well as my gratitude and thanks to the judging committee members for their time and effort. These awards will help Thailand remain a leader on the world tourism map, by ensuring that all our tourists and visitors, both domestic and foreign, get value for money and enjoy a high level of satisfaction."

Mr. Suraphon Svetasreni, Governor of TAT, said, "The Thailand Tourism Awards are designed to recognise and reward the extensive efforts being made by the Thai tourism industry to raise standards and enhance creativity and professionalism. The winners thus boost their business success by marketing their award-winning status as a competitive advantage. This enhances consumer confidence and also raises the brand image of Thailand and the Thai tourism industry at large. It also motivates the emerging generation of investors to maintain a similar focus when developing their new business products."

TAT policy is to provide the winners with extensive publicity and marketing promotion through various media outlets, including the TAT's own online and social-media channels. In addition, they get priority options to participate in TAT-organised travel trade fairs and roadshows both domestic and overseas.

See attached for the full list of recipients of the 9th Thailand Tourism Awards

For contact details of all the award recipients, please click here:

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