Friday 1 September 2023

Explore the Kitazawa Flotation Plant, a symbol of modern heritage in Sado, Niigata Prefecture

Kitazawa Flotation Plant
The flotation method was a technology employed in the copper production process, and the same approach was successfully applied to silver and gold extraction in Japan for the first time at Kitazawa Flotation Plant. 

During its peak, the plant was processing more than 50,000 tons of ore per month!

Although the flotation plant is not in use anymore, the history and aesthetic of the plant have made it a popular destination for visitors all over the world, particularly for heritage enthusiasts and urban explorers.

At night, the plant is lit up and transforms into a magical spectacle.

Light-up Schedule

Apr to Sep 2023: 7pm - 10pm
Oct 2023 to Feb 2024: 5pm - 10pm

For more on Kitazawa Flotation Plant (Sado Sightseeing Navi)

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