Monday 4 September 2023

Bungo Takada Showa no Machi in Oita Prefecture

At Bungo Takada Showa no Machi in Oita Prefecture, take a stroll down memory lane to 1950s Japan and savour the nostalgia!
Browse for one-of-a-kind souvenirs and learn about 1950s Japan through the unique objects and mementos on display that have been handed down through the generations. 

One very special activity is hopping on the retro bonnet bus, which will bring you on a short tour along the Katsura River and shopping street! 

Aside from being a must-visit for aficionados of retro and nostalgic atmospheres, the Bungo Takada Showa no Machi is also surrounded by distinctive and beautiful local sceneries that nature lovers can enjoy!
Find out more about Bungo Takada Showa no Machi

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