Tuesday 4 July 2023

Tokyo Bay Noryosen sets sail, the sensational Summer Classic

Tokyo Bay Noryosen
Tokyo Bay Noryosen
(summer evening pleasure boat) is a popular way to make the most of the city’s summer nights. 

Cruise around Tokyo Bay on a large yacht with commentary on the night view, cuisine made with ingredients from Tokyo’s Islands, music events, and more. 

This year, cruises run for 74 days straight, from July 7 to September 18.

A summer feature that can be enjoyed in a yukata Tokyo Bay Noryosen.

Depart from the Takeshiba Passenger Ship Terminal and tour around the highlights of Tokyo Bay. 

You can enjoy the night view and meals from the ship, as well as the onboard events and productions unique to the Tokyo Bay Noryosen, in about 1 hour and 45 minutes of cruising.

 Please come onboard to create summer memories with your family, lover, and friends.

Learn more

*Tokyo Convention & Visitors Bureau, Tokyo Tourism Representative, Tourism Garden Pty Ltd

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