Monday 15 November 2021

GOPASS Global leverages Microsoft data and AI platforms to make safe international travel a reality

GOPASS Global’s Covid-19 biosecurity risk analytics
platformuses a series of sophisticated and specially
designed AI algorithms to interpret its vast collection of data
(Source: GOPASS Global)
Microsoft announced it has collaborated with GOPASS Global to jointly build an AI powered data analytics platform, the first of its kind to provide critical insights about safer travel for business and leisure travellers.

With Australia’s international borders set to reopen after almost two years of being closed to the world, Australians are looking forward to seeing friends, family, and the world once again. But with safety standards and regulations constantly changing around the globe, access to accurate information, in near real time, will be vital when planning an international trip.

GOPASS Global’s pre-travel risk management platform, which analyses and scores Covid-related travel risk, is intended to hit fast forward for all travellers, providing critical insights about safer interstate and international trips.

The organisation has constructed a data lake that takes in information from 35 different sources, covering 240 countries 3,900 airports, 732 airlines, and 260 aircraft.

It has also developed 37 separate risk models that interpret the data to provide an easy-to-understand assessment of the risk of a trip, accounting for everything from the final destination to the seat location on the plane.

GOPASS Global is the brainchild of a team of data analytics experts who were working at AlphaZetta Consulting when the pandemic unfurled. When many of the team were furloughed, AlphaZetta founder and CEO, Tony Ohlsson and Mark Radford, founder and director, started developing the idea of an intelligent platform that could help people feel safe to start travelling when the worst of the pandemic abated.

From those beginnings, the company has grown and has now signed international distribution agreements with organisations including Sabre, Global Travel Network, Lufthansa City Centre and Hickory Global Partners.

GOPASS Global’s cloud platform is 100 per cent Azure-based and uses a range of Azure services such as Azure API Management, Azure Active Directory, Azure App Services, Azure Cosmos DB and Azure Databases for MySQL Flexible Server.

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