Thursday 14 May 2020

Saluting our heroes

As the world continues to grapple with COVID-19, and contain and prevent the spread of the disease, we find reasons to be hopeful among the legions of dedicated workers and volunteers, who are leading the fight every single day to keep the rest of us safe, or to serve us to make sure essential needs are met.

We believe it is high time we showed just how much we appreciate and value their unwavering, selfless service. Centara’s staff and associates have come together with the singular purpose of sincerely thanking the countless medical staff, service workers and essential service providers around the globe who are an inspiration to us all in these challenging times.


Join us in showing your appreciation, either for individual medical professionals and volunteers that you know personally, or the communities where they continue to work without expectations or desire for reward.

Hear from The Heroes
We also hear their own stories as we get a glimpse into the selfless attitudes and motivations of these inspirational and so often unsung heroes.

Saluting Our Heroes
Let’s show our heroes how much we appreciate them by adding #CentaraCares, #CentaraSalutesYou, #SalutingOurHeroes or #HeroesInWhite to your Facebook and Instagram posts.


Centara Hotels & Resorts

For More Information, please contact
+66 (0) 2101 1234 ext 1

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