Wednesday 8 April 2020


Social connection and wellbeing has never been more important as the community adjusts to the many continual changes to daily life at this time.

Mental Health Australia has launched a social media campaign to encourage everyone to look after their mental health through simple steps such as staying connected to family and friends, eating well, sleeping well and exercising.

Mental Health Australia is working with organisations and businesses around the country to promote a series of community-driven ideas to help people keep mentally well during this difficult time.

Start with these five tips, and follow their Facebook page for more ideas:
  • Stay active - exercise increases wellbeing and helps reduce symptoms of common mental health concerns. Yoga, Pilates, HIIT routines can be done in a relatively small space and with no equipment, or search the internet for free workout videos and guides
  • Eat well - eating a nutritious diet is great for both your physical and mental health
  • Connect with others - physical distancing is crucial right now, but social connection is more important than ever. Use technology to talk to your friends and family, using video chats to talk face-to-face where possible. Reach out to your neighbours and community.
  • Limit media consumption (and choose trusted sources) - Choose how often you engage with news and social media about the coronavirus, and be sure to find news sources that are trustworthy and factual. Add in some content that makes you laugh wherever possible.
  • Try and keep to a routine and make it fun - Keep to a regular routine as much as possible, including exercise, sleep, daily chores, work, recreational activities and connecting with others… and make it fun where you can.

For a full list of support services and contact details: Mental Health Australia

Destination NSW

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