Tuesday, 10 March 2020

Experience 5000 Years Civilisation Reborn --- A Global Sensation from New York

New York-based Shen Yun returns to Capitol Theatre 4-22 March, 2020 as part of its global tour. It’s all new program of around twenty masterful dances and songs bring Asia’s celebrated past to life on stage with live orchestra.

The culture of ancient China was divinely inspired. Shen Yun’s works reflect this rich spiritual heritage. In ancient times, China was known as the Land of the Divine and the world was full of magic and miracles. Everyone, from the emperors to the common people, believed that their culture was a divine gift. They lived in harmony with the universe and saw a connection among all things. Authentic Chinese culture carried these principles for thousands of years – until it was lost. SHEN

YUN NOW INVITES YOU to visit this lost civilisation. To make the journey possible, Shen Yun had to push the boundaries of performing arts. Shen Yun combines ancient dance with technological innovations, and historically authentic costumes with breathtaking animated backdrops. Shen Yun lets classical Chinese dance do the storytelling, and provides a glimpse into the beautifully diverse worlds of ethnic and folk traditions. Filled with an enchanting orchestral sound, this is a stunning visual and emotional experience you won’t find anywhere else.

The Shen Yun orchestra combines the spirit and distinctiveness of Chinese music with the precision and grandeur of a Western symphony orchestra. The result – one refreshing sound in perfect synchronisation with the power and beauty of classical Chinese dance – a tremendous energy leaving audiences uplifted and inspired.

Shen Yun has become a global sensation. Millions of people have seen Shen Yun. Standing ovations at the world’s top venues, royalty attending in Europe, sold-out shows throughout North America and packed houses across Asia have made Shen Yun a global phenomenon. Enter a wondrous realm of beauty, purity and grace.

Taking inspiration from ancient heroic legends and modern courageous tales, the breathtaking beauty of Shen Yun Performing Arts is not to be missed. Come to the Capitol Theatre and experience the wonder of authentic Chinese culture. For more information about the show, visit www.shenyun.com/sydney

“Shen Yun is extraordinary —everyone should come see it.”—Celeste Holm, Academy Award-winning actress

“This is the highest and the best of what humans can produce.” —Olevia Brown-Klahn, singer and musician

“It’s a once in a lifetime experience, and you must not miss it...The world needs more excellence and Shen Yun can provide it for us.” —Coral Drouyn, Australia theatre Critic

“There is a massive power in this that can embrace the world. It brings great hope…It is truly a touch of heaven.” —Daniel Herman, former Minister of Culture of the Czech Republic

“A visual feast for your eyes. Simply gorgeous stage magic! A must see!”—Broadway World

“Flawless musical performances... Simply astounding to watch and a pleasure to the ear”—Opera Online

Matinee and evening performances of Shen Yun will be at the Capitol Theatre, Sydney - Haymarket, NSW until 22nd March


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