Monday 2 May 2016

Tourism Northern Territory Launches New Kakadu Campaign

Holiday-makers will be encouraged to travel to the iconic destination during a new Australia-wide advertising campaign.

The campaign aims to educate Australians about Kakadu and coincides with the 30th anniversary of the iconic movie 'Crocodile Dundee'.

As part of the campaign, a series of quirky Tweetbuster videos will be used to tackle barriers people may have about travel to Kakadu in order to boost visitors to the region.

“Kakadu is one of the jewels in the Territory tourism crown and this new campaign will tell Aussies it is a must-do holiday,” said Tourism NT CEO, Tony Mayell.

“The new Tweetbuster videos provide the opportunity to connect key Kakadu tourism operators directly with potential holiday-makers through YouTube and Facebook and dispel some myths that Kakadu is too boring or too hard to get to.”

Christian Diddams, an Interpretive Ranger at Kakadu National Park, who features in one of the Tweetbuster videos said it was great Tourism NT was using people “on the ground” to sell Kakadu to the rest of Australia.

“It is very important to break down these travel barriers, which tend to be peoples own generalisations, stereotypes and lack of awareness. Maybe by doing this campaign, those mental barriers may be removed and allow visitors to have a glimpse of this incredible living cultural landscape I have the privilege to call home,” Mr Diddams said.

The Tweetbusters episodes show viewers how easy it is to travel through Kakadu, highlighting attractions such as Ubirr lookout, Jim Jim Waterfalls, Yellow Water Billabong and Gunlom Falls.

As part of the Kakadu campaign, popular Australian breakfast television show, Sunrise, broadcast weather segments live from Yellow Water Billabong on Tuesday 26 April and Wildman Wilderness Lodge near Kakadu on Wednesday 27 April showcasing to viewers that Kakadu is home to a range of unique activities found nowhere else in Australia.

“We couldn't be more excited to show our viewers a slice of the tropical Top End in Kakadu; and it's timely, with the 30th anniversary of Crocodile Dundee coming up,” said Sunrise weather producer Sean Flynn.

“We're keen to give the rest of Australia a fresh reminder of what's on offer in their own backyard.”

The campaign also includes a Kakadu feature in the April edition of Australian Traveller Magazine and a dedicated microsite that will promote Dry Season travel deals. A key focus of the campaign will be to highlight the Nature's Way Drive, promoting Katherine and Darwin as gateway points to Kakadu in order for visitors to extend their holiday to other parts of the Top End.

The Kakadu campaign will run for four weeks from 22 April – 22 May and is part of the NT Government's plan to drive the development of North Australia and build a $2.2 billion visitor economy by 2020.

Watch the new Kakadu 'Tweetbuster” Episodes via links below.

Tweetbuster Kakadu Episode 5 featuring Christian Diddams, Kakadu National Park Ranger:

Tweetbuster Kakadu Episode 6 featuring Chris Artiemiew, Parks Australia:

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