Wednesday 1 November 2023


Live music and alfresco dining lovers, workers, hospitality businesses and creative organisations are set to benefit from new legislation that has been introduced in NSW Parliament.

Outdated, complicated and often duplicated regulation will be overhauled under the 24-Hour Economy Legislation (Vibrancy Reforms) Amendment Bill 2023.

24-Hour Economy Commissioner Michael Rodrigues said: “This reform package is a fantastic step towards enhancing the night-time offerings across our city, and the state. The state has changed a lot in the past decade, but the problem is the regulations have not and they don’t reflect what people expect from a modern going out experience.

"We're on a mission to remove unnecessary burden on venues so that they can focus more on customer experience and spend less time battling red tape. We want to create a more flexible environment for trading - to allow outdoor dining when the weather calls for it, music into the wee hours when your favourite band comes to town and the ability to shut streets for festivals that bring the community together, without wasting time and money on unnecessary and duplicative processes.

"It’s now up to the NSW Parliament to make the call on whether we can get it across the line in time for summer!”

The NSW Government is seeking feedback to help inform its finalised planning reforms for outdoor dining and live music venues.  Click here to have your say

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