Monday 6 November 2023

Austria beyond its cities

Salzkammergut Lake District

Beautiful landscapes, culture and a love of tradition make up the beauty of the Salzkammergut. Salt from the heart of its mountains has brought affluence to the region - but its most valuable assets are the lakes (76 of them!). Even before we all became travellers in search of beauty and inspiration, the shores of the picturesque lakes have attracted writers, poets and emperors.
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The city of Bregenz and the Bregenzerwald in Vorarlberg are stellar cultural regions without parallel. The reason? Nature is the source of inspiration for noteworthy art and culture. It has been for centuries.
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Wachau Valley

Between Krems and Melk, the Danube has created one of the most beautiful regions in Austria. No wonder that the Wachau Valley is, and always has been, a favourite motif of landscape painters.
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Hiking Regions

If you lined up all of Austria’s hiking trails, they would be long enough to circumnavigate the entire globe. From high Alpine tours in the west to rolling hills and leisurely walks – Austria has something for everyone.
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Locals' Favourites

Once a year, Austria votes for its most beautiful place: For the popular TV programme “9 Places – 9 Treasures, each of Austria’s nine provinces nominates one particularly lovely spot, with the viewers deciding on the overall winner.
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Panning a trip to Austria?

Visit our Austria Resource Hub, specifically designed for the Australian travel trade industry, and find everything you need to design a unique itinerary with unforgettable experiences for your clients
 To the Austria Resource Hub

* Austrian National Tourist Office Sydney

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