Tuesday 11 July 2023

Collette Revisits Touring for Today’s Traveller

South Africa
Touring styles for today’s traveller are being refreshed by Collette with a change of pace and transportation styles.

Collette’s small group Explorations tours have been slowed down to enhance the experience on tour. More time in the destination, less time travelling to get there and more time to discover the joys of a city or site. Pacing is more than just changing hotels less frequently, it’s also about how a destination should and can be discovered.

City tours now incorporate fascinating farm tours, relaxing sunset cruises and special themed tours. Getting there is no longer about the coach with a focus on other forms of transportation, from dog sleds, trains, tuk tuks, public transport and more.

“ Varying transportation means is a great way to enhance our guests’ experience,” said David Farrar, Head of Sales at Collette. “ Feedback on this has been excellent as has customer feedback on spending more time in destination.”

Collette’s “Wilderness of Southern Africa: Safari by Land & Water” tour is a perfect example of combining transportation styles to get up close to wildlife on land and water on Lake Kariba. The tour is also an example of the benefits of guided touring as the route has been carefully planned with all the details taken care of, from methods of transportation to accommodation, sightseeing, activities and more.

Expert tour guides know exactly what to look for and when and can provide local information and tips such as where to buy souvenirs or change currency. Group tours are a great way to make new friends and in addition provide more security for solo travellers.

From gondola cruising in Venice to travelling in a vintage cab in Dublin, figuring out currency or getting ripped off are no longer concerns as is not knowing when and how much to tip. Collette provides the option of pre-paying tipping taking the hassle out of not having local currency or not knowing how much is acceptable.

Language is no longer a barrier as interpreters take care of this and there is no risk of missing out on entrance to popular tourism attractions or sites as these have been included in the itinerary.

“ Our cancellation policy is another benefit of our tours,” said Farrar. “ We offer a full refund minus the deposit for cancellations for any reason up to 24 hours prior to departure. Furthermore, there is a 24/7 Emergency Support Line, Leading Tour Manager Assistance as well as the opportunity to purchase travel insurance in Australia.”

For details of the full tours or to book a trip:

Contact your local travel agent and ask for Collette!
Call Collette on 1300 792 195 or visit gocollette.com.au

*Lyn Tuit, Momentum2, ltuit@momentum2.com.au

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