Thursday 6 July 2023

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The United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) has published a new report to determine the status of rural tourism in its member states. 

The report also identifies the main challenges and opportunities for tourism as a driver for rural development from a policy perspective. 

The report is titled : Tourism and Rural Development: A Policy Perspective - Results of the UNWTO Survey on Tourism for Rural Development to Member States, and represents UNWTO’s first baseline document on tourism and rural development undertaken with the participation of Member States worldwide. 

Its findings are that : 
 more than half of all Member States (59%) stated that rural tourism is a priority 
 lmost all (96%) foresee a better future for rural tourism in the upcoming years 
 the creation of new jobs, improvement of livelihoods and fighting depopulation were the most frequently-cited opportunities offered by tourism for rural areas, and 
 member States also identified the conservation and promotion of cultural heritage and environmental protection as among the biggest potential benefits of rural tourism. 

The UNWTO research also identified three main challenges associated with realizing the potential of tourism for rural development: 
 the infrastructure gap in rural areas with deficiencies in roads, ports, airports and other infrastructure 
 rural depopulation, and 
 the lack of education and training, as well as skills development, in addition to the capacity to attract and retain workforce talent. 
 Tourism and Rural Development: A Policy Perspective - Results of the UNWTO Survey on Tourism for Rural Development to Member States : 

 UNWTO: Rural Tourism : 
*Source: Athena Man at

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