Friday 17 July 2020

Barcelona Obertura - Classical music from Barcelona to the world

A new benchmark for the city’s classical music scene has emerged from the coming together of the Liceu Opera, the Palau de la Música Catalana and L’Auditori: Barcelona Obertura Classic & Lyric.

This initiative aims to promote Barcelona’s rich variety of music on the world map, as one of the global cities where classical music matters.

Pau Casals, Alícia de Larrocha, Josep Carreras, Montserrat Caballé, Victoria de Los Angeles, Jordi Savall, Cuarteto Casals... all these key musicians in Spain’s musical tradition have one thing in common: they call Barcelona their hometown. The citizenship has always been proud of their musical heritage. 

Through a continuous effort over many decades, nowadays Barcelona enjoys an exceptional variety of musical institutions with three overwhelming venues, Liceu Opera, one of the largest theatres in Europe, the Palau de la Música, only UNESCO World Heritage concert hall worldwide and L’Auditori, by dimension and scope, a true city of music by itself. 

These institutions present, season after season, very attractive programs that welcome in Barcelona all major artists of our times.

Barcelona Obertura
Address: Travessera de Gràcia, 17 Barcelona, Catalonia/Barcelona 08021 Spain

PATA - Pacific Asia Travel Association
Unit B1, 28th Floor, Siam Tower
989 Rama I Road, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand 

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