Wednesday 17 June 2020


SUNx Malta, in collaboration with the Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) today extended its “BEND OUR TREND” Climate Resilience campaign to the Greater Mekong Subregion in Southeast Asia for climate friendly travel.

Led by a 90-second animated video, the campaign is designed to encourage Travel & Tourism companies and communities to:
Adopt Climate Friendly Travel – Low carbon, linked to the UN Sustainable Development Goals and consistent with the Paris 1.5 trajectory.
Create Climate Neutral Ambition Plans and file these on the SUNx Malta UNFCCC-linked Registry.

The global campaign is being run in partnership with the World Travel & Tourism Council (WTTC) and the support of Malta’s Minister for Tourism and Consumer Protection, Hon. Julia Farrugia Portelli. It will deploy tools to help the entire Travel & Tourism sector in its essential transformation to a 2050 Paris 1.5 trajectory.

The Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO), acts as the secretariat of the tourism ministries of the member countries of the Greater Mekong Subregion, consisting of Cambodia, Yunnan Province and Guangxi Autonomous Region in PR China, Lao PDR, Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.

Jens Thraenhart, Executive Director & CEO, MTCO, said:

“The Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office (MTCO) and our non-profit public-private sector partnership framework Destination Mekong takes the issue of Climate Change, and environmental protection very seriously. The region is at risk of threats that can be caused by Climate Change, especially fragile communities. We are excited to partner with SUNx to assist our Travel and Tourism industry to adopt Climate Friendly Travel and sustainable practices, aligned to actions set out in the Mekong Tourism Sector Strategy 2016-2025, published by the six governments in collaboration with the Asian Development Bank (ADB).”

For SUNx Malta Professor Geoffrey Lipman, its President, and President of the International Coalition of Tourism Partners (ICTP), and Leslie Vella, Chairman:

“We will introduce a Climate Neutral Ambitions Registry for companies and communities to link to the UNFCCC Paris 1.5 target. We will also provide support tools, and train young smart graduates, together with the Institute of Tourism Studies, Malta (ITS), to assist in strategic low carbon transformation. We are proud to work with MTCO to share innovation, strategic planning, visibility, education and training across the Mekong region.”

For more details please see


#BENDOURTREND, #campaign, #climatechange, #MTCO, #SUNxprogram #rebuildingtravel

Mekong Tourism Coordinating Office 
c/o 3rd Floor, Department of Tourism, Ministry of Tourism and Sports, 154 Rama 1 Road
National Stadium, Wangmai, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330, Thailand
Tel: +66 2038 5071-1
Mobile: +66 8555 44234, +66 8098 95853

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